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I Recently Bought A Raspberry Pi. Here's My Rating

Looking for a cheap, fully-featured desktop alternative to a Chromebook or MacBook? Then maybe a Raspberry Pi might just be for you. It is small and portable, quite fast and runs on an okay operating system (Raspberry Pi OS).


Raspberry Pi




I wanted to buy some sort of device to do work on when my desktop PC was occupied. So I thought a Chromebook, might be good, as everyone seems to love it and the ads make it sound AMAZING. But then I realised that they are not that powerful, with a small amout of storage and not a wide range of apps available. So then I thought a Windows 10 laptop will be good, because unlike Chromebooks, they are super powerful. So I went to the website, but realised they were some crazy price like £550 ($704).

Later that day I realised that Raspberry Pis were quite good as they are now fast, fully featured, cheap, small and very efficient. And as they are only about £40, I could get a mouse and a keyboard. And a table.

I ordered all the bits and bobs we needed and they came the next day (hooray for Amazon!), but I did not realise that the keyboard was MASSIVE and the mouse had some weird acceleration on it which made it hard to use. But I fixed the mouse, and bought a table big enough to hold Godzilla's keyboard.

And now I'm still waiting for the table to come. Is Wayfair efficent enough for it to come quickly like Amazon? I guess we'll have to find out.


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