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It May Be Impossible To Cut A Brownie Exactly In Half

Aren’t brownies just delicious? Smooth, soft and melt-in-the-mouth. They’re no question that everyone wants one; it’s really the portion size that people fight about. It’s often easiest to give people equal portions, but is that actually possible? Indulge explores this delicious topic…

It seems simple to cut a square in half, since this 2D shape is not very graphic. But, is it really that easy? Like everything in maths, no. Just as π goes on forever (you often round it down to a few digits, such as 3.1415926), the ‘half point’ of a square would be infinite. For example, this might look like a square split into half to you:

But what if we zoomed in very close, and I mean A LOT, then what would be the half point of that line?

This system recurs, so you would never actually have exactly half of a square. It’s really the same with brownies. That half point is infinite, not counting all of the scroggins.


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1 Comment

Apr 03, 2021

Love that the scrumptious brownie teaches us basic maths. That's the way to learn.

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