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A Timeline Of Wars

Humans have never been a peaceful species, from the start of time throwing spears at each other. Follow this timeline to show how wars have evolved over time.

Uncharted Wars, 1.8 Million Years Ago

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the relative to humans homo erectus began developing spears and other simple weapons. Nobody knows when, but tribes were constantly attacking each other for food. This may have pushed the migration out of Africa 1.8 million years ago.

More Uncharted Wars, Tens Of Thousands Of Years Ago

Next is when explicit cave paintings depict humans attacking each other with spears. They also show conflicts between different Aurignacian-Périgordian people (roughly 30,00 years ago) and the Magdelanian people (roughly 17,000 years ago) over resources. Any trespassers were killed.

Wars In Egypt, 3250 BCE - 3100 BCE

This paragraph represents multiple wars in Ancient Egypt. The first was in 3250 BCE, a campaign by King Scorpion against King 'Taurus', giving Scorpion a victory. The second, in 3150 BCE, was a war between 'Narmer' and 'Wash', of course defeating Wash. Narmer's second win was 50 years later in the unification of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, then followed in the same year by Hor-Aha's campaign against Nubia, an ancient country now in modern-day southern Egypt, giving Egypt another victory.

Other Wars Around This Time, Up To 2334 BCE

There were so many wars in this time that it's hard to go into detail. Here's a list:

  • 2900 - 2700 BCE, Kish-Elam War (Kish Won)

  • 2900 - 2700 BCE, Aga's Siege Of Uruk (Kish Won Again)

  • 2600 BCE , Campaigns Of Sneferu (Egypt Won Against 4 Other Countries)

  • 2500 BCE, Campaigns of Eannatum (Lagash Won Against Over 6 Other Countries)

  • 2500 BCE, Lugal-Anne-Mundu's Campaign on Ur (Adab Won)

  • 2450 BCE, Umma's First War of Independence (Lagash Won)

  • 2400 BCE Umma's Second War Of Independence (Lagash Won)

  • 2350 BCE, Campaigns of Enshakushanna (Uruk Won)

  • 2350 BCE, Campaigns of Lugal-zage-si (Umma Won Againt Lagash)

  • 2334 BCE - 2279 BC - Foundation Of The Akkadian Empire (Akkad Won)

That's basically all of the ones you would want to hear about. The list drags on and on and on...

Even More Wars Before And After 0 CE

The Romans and other people clearly were very violent. Here's a list of the conquests before and after 0 CE:

  • 89 - 63 BCE, Three Mithridatic Wars (Rome Won)

  • 73 - 71 BCE, Spartacist Revolution (Rome Won)

  • 67 - 63 BCE, Hasmonean Civil War (Rome Won)

  • 58 - 50 BCE, Gallic Wars (Rome Won)

  • 49 - 45 BCE, Caesar's Civil War (Caesar Won)

  • 865 - 954 CE, Viking Occupation Of The British Isles (Vikings Won)

  • 1000 - 1139 CE, Norman Invasion Of Southern France (Sicily And A Few More Won)

  • 1066 CE, Battle Of Hastings (Normans Won)

  • 1096 - 1099 CE, First Crusade (18 Countries, Mainly European, Won)

  • 1101 CE, Crusade Of 1101 (Those 18 Countries Lost To Rum)

  • 1101 CE, Battle Of Ramla, A Crusade (Jerusalem Won)

  • 1102 CE, Battle Of Ramla 2, A Crusade (Jerusalem Lost To Egypt)

  • 1107 - 1110 CE, Norwegian Crusade, A Crusade, (Norway, Jerusalem & Venice Won)

  • 1113 - 1115 CE, Balearic Islands Expediton, A Crusade (Some Italian Cities Won)

  • 1122 - 1124 CE, Venetian Crusade, A Crusade (Venice & Others Won)

  • 1123 CE, Kalmare Iedung, A Crusade (Norway Won)

  • 1145 - 1149 CE, Second Crusade, A Crusade (Norway & The Others Lost)

  • 1147 - 1242 CE, Northern Crusade (Denmark Won)

  • 1169 - 1175 CE, Norman Invasion Of Ireland (Normandy Won)

We're sorry but we just can't tell you the rest.

World Wars, 1914 - 1945

When Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian Empire, was assassinated in Serbia by Mr. Princeps, Austrians attacked Serbia but the Russians backed Serbia, but then the French and British went to war against Russia, which tumbled Europe into a 4-year war. Soldiers from all around the world had to live in horrible trenches dug into the ground and were forced to eat canned meat, mouldy bread and chloride-filled water. Sleeping in holes filled with sandbags, they spent most of their time cleaning weapons or looking out for enemy fire. 40 million were killed and when England won, and it started the great economic depression of the 1930s.

WWI hit Germany hard. They'd wasted millions of euros on weapons and many were living in poverty. When Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (more commonly known as nazis) came along, they promised to repair the economy, which they half-did, but then got a bit mad. After a conference with other countries, Hitler tried to restore German 'pure blood', which basically meant executing anyone who wasn't disabled, not white, or Christian or atheist. At first he killed disabled people, but then moved onto religions. He pushed any Jews into 'gettos', which were awful houses where almost 10 families had to sleep in one room. But then he got even crazier and built concentration camps where Jews had to either work too hard or be killed. Auchwitz, the most famous and by far the most deadly, still has the chilling slogan 'work will set you free' carved into the gate. But after all of this terrible behaviour, it was only when Germany invaded Poland and France that Britain and Russia actually kicked into action.

Although conditions had slightly improved, the circumstances hadn't. Italy and Japan joined Germany in the Axis, and when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, on 6th December 1941, the US declared war on Japan and later Germany. The war was dire, but on 25th May 1945, Germany lost and the British released everybody in concentration camps. Japan wouldn't give up, though, but finally accepted their loss when the British dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The world was finally free from world war... for now!


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1 Kommentar

15. März 2021

Awesome, the scope and depth of information is mind-blowing. It shows that the human race has always been warlike when it comes to territories and resources. Thank you to the author for attempting a topic like this and bringing it to our attention.

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